The following excerpts are taken from the newly released biography of
our 44th President…
This is the tale of a boy, abandoned
by his Scotch-Irish immigrant father and raised in Alabama by a single mother. This is the tale
of a determined scholar, instructed in political science and law at Rice and
Vanderbilt. This is the tale of a bright young attorney, hammering out
contracts for the soybean oilcake manufacturing co-ops of New Orleans . This is the tale of a dogged local
legislator, baptized by the fires of the notorious Louisiana political machine. This is the
tale of a national upstart, who upset the apple cart to earn the Republican
nomination for the highest office in the land in 2008.
President McBama |
This is the tale of Barclay Hamish
McBama, 44th President of the United States of America .
When he took office on January
20, 2009, McBama was just what the American people needed- a no-nonsense
firebrand who knew how to scold a child, love a woman, and pass a bill into
law. After eight years of feeble liberal
leadership the nation’s challenges were plentiful, each requiring a delicate
balance of flyover-state sensibility and a firm Baptist pimp hand. Enter Barry
First things came first on day one
of the McBama Era. How in the heck had a cranky Saudi terrorist with failing
kidneys eluded U.S. forces
for eight years and slipped into Pakistan ? The answer was simple: well-meaning
but ill-fated liberal pussy-footing. Yes, the Dems do mean well. They love America , and they wanted to bring
her assailant to justice too. But want-to the size of Texas won’t win the horse race if you don’t
know when to use the spurs. And when a disgruntled Arab scampers off into the
Tora Bora mountains with a chunk of the national scrotum in his teeth, well,
that’s an occasion for the spurs. Bunny rabbits and harmony are great, but
sometimes the day arrives when progressives need to take a step back and let
the grown-ups take charge. Two years later OBL had himself a bullet in the eye
courtesy of the United States Navy.
In July of 2008, longtime Senator
and Democratic nominee Jack Van Cain was asked on CNN, “if you were President
and know that bin Laden was in Pakistan ,
would you have U.S.
forces go in after him?”
Van Cain responded, “I’m not
going to go there and here’s why: because Pakistan is a sovereign nation.”
Four years later, the Dems have
put forward another nominee who held that same view at the time in former
Massachusetts Governor Titt Nomrey. Nomrey told the AP that McBama’s stance was
“naïve,” saying, “it’s not worth moving Heaven and Earth and spending billions
of dollars just trying to catch one person.” Maybe Titt should converse with
the families of the victims about that. Talk to the firefighters of New York , Titt. Ask the
NYPD if it was worth it.
This is precisely the flaccid
brand of rhetoric that emasculates a nation and empowers its enemies. Fortunately,
the American people didn’t elect Jack Van Cain in 2008. And God-willing they won’t
elect Titt Nomrey this year.
Barry McBama means business. |
President McBama knows we need to
stay on offense. Just ask Anwar al-Awlaki or the
dozens of other Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders picked off by drones or
raids in Yemen , Pakistan , Somalia ,
Indonesia , Iraq , and
elsewhere. Finally America
has a Chief Executive who has eschewed the silly, idealistic nation-building
campaigns of Presidents Mush 41 and the hapless boob Mush 43 in favor of a
policy shaped around the liquidation of high value targets.
But to ensure another four years
of ruthless efficiency we need a President strong enough to stand up to
detractors, both internationally and here at home. The ACLU charges that as
many as 4,000 people have been killed by our drone strikes in the past decade
and those stats have spiked dramatically under McBama. United Nations special
reporters have urged that the UN itself should consider establishing an
investigatory body to look into each killing outside a recognized war zone, even
hinting that some of our attacks may constitute war crimes. Barry McBama knows
that there’s a time for diplomacy and there’s a time for brimstone, just as
they teach in the little white churches all across this great land every Sunday. But
what do they teach in Titt Nomrey’s Mormon temple? Can
we count on Titt to go to bat against the hippie hand-wringing of the UN and
ACLU? Or will he acquiesce in the grand liberal tradition?
McBama’s accomplishments aren’t
limited to foreign policy pimpin’. He smacked healthcare freeloaders into line
by finally implementing the concept the conservative Heritage Foundation began
pushing for in 1989, the individual mandate. He lent General Motors a helping
hand, ensuring that the towing capacity of the Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra would
be there for our children and grandchildren. He proudly received an F on gun
control from the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence after signing
legislation allowing guns in Yellowstone
Park and on Amtrak
trains. And just like old Bill McClintock did before him when he repealed the
Glass-Steagall Act, McBama showed that he knows how to leave the nation's
financial institutions unshackled to drive real trickle-down growth.
Do we really want America to
return to the failed Mush policies under a Titt Nomrey administration? Or do we
want to be guided into the future by the firm, conservative hand of Barry
Mc-Ba-ma! Mc-Ba-ma! Mc-Ba-ma! |
Also look for the book under the alternative titles "Stuff Conservatives Would be Saying if Obama Was a Republican" and "How Can You Call Obama the Biggest Threat to the American Way and Keep a Straight Face?"
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